Assalamualaikum and HELLO BRUMANCHERS,
The time has come for this year's committee 2010/2011 to step down and for the new committee members to be elected. The election will be held on Monday, 25th April 2011 at the place to be confirmed. Not only that, we will be having the Appreciation Dinner for the committee members and volunteers for the Pertandingan Lagu Dakwah held few days back! (Details soon). I wish to encourage all members of BruManch to attend as it is very important for us to elect the right committee to lead the future Bruneians for the future session 2011/2012.
The process for nominations
Each member has the right to nominate a candidate for any of the posts listed below.
1. To run for a post or to nominate someone, please send an e-mail to
2. No person shall be restricted from running any position. It does not matter if you are in final year or the first year. You only have to be sure you are willing to commit to the role you take up.
3. The deadline for nominations by e-mail is Thursday night, 21st April 2011 2359 hrs (11:59 PM)!!!
4. The subject heading for nominations should be "Nominations".
The positions
The positions to consider are listed below: (subject to change, depends on the next president to add more people)
1. President (1x)
He/She will be in charge of the general running of the society.
2. Secretary (1x)
He/She shall Recording and take minutes during meetings, Send e-mails, book meeting rooms etc.
3. Financier (1x)
He/She will be in charge Money matters, including the society bank account. He/She will be Required to attend financier training at the Student Union.
4. Public Relations Officer (2x) ****
He/She will be in charge of Contacting members, dealing with people outside the society (e.g. companies & other societies).
He/She will look after the general welfare of the BruManch family in terms of housing, money matters, transportation, food, etc
He/She will be in charge Event management, including exploring and securing venues for events and planning dates and activities for the events.
He/she will be in charge in maintaining the society's website
He/She will organise sports activities for the BruManch family when requested or when he/she thinks you have to TRAIN for whatever Bruneian games.
5. Religious Officer (2x)
He/She will organise religious events as well as well as handling any religious related matters.
[**** Subject to change]
Remember: Please send all nominations to by the 21st April 2011, 2359 hrs.
I would like to share that I think best describe what is expected from each BruManch Committee: Committed, Responsible and Trustworthy.
BruManch President 10/11
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