Monday, 1 November 2010

Update: "Fiqh Di Perantauan" - Uztad Samali Adam

Salam BruManch-ians !

The BruManch Society have planned a Ceramah event entitled 'Fiqh Di Perantauan' by Ustaz Haji Samali bin Haji Adam, our Religious Officer from Brunei Student Unit (BSU). Please kindly make yourself available to this event.

Time and Event:

  • Date: Saturday - November 6th, 2010
  • Place - Student Union, Uni of Manchester - Meeting Room 4 (Non Student of UoM, please make a date with someone who study in that Uni)
  • 6:00 - 6:15 PM - Arrival of guests and students
  • 6:15 - 6:30 PM - Arrival of Ustaz Haji Samali & staffs from BSU.
  • 6:30 - 6:40 PM - Doa followed by Welcoming Speech by Mohd Hifdzullah, our RO.
  • 6:40 - 7:50 PM - Ceramah by Ustaz Haji Samali. ( Additional of 15 mins for Q&A Session)
  • 8:15 - 8:20 PM - Closing speech by our RO.
  • 8:20 - 8:50 PM - Dinner
  • 8:50 - 9:00 PM - End of event.
Note: InsyaAllah all food will be served by BruManch, but we would be greatful to those of you who is
willing to bring some extras as potluck.

Ustaz Haji Samali is one of the well-known speaker back in our home town. I guess, this is going to be a great opportunity for us, as students to gain more Islamic knowledge. Last but not least, please, again, we hope you will be able to make it to this ceremony.

InsyAllah, See You All There!:)

Thank you.

- BruManch Media.


The BruManch Society said...

Faith in Allah: Allah (swt) says "Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you." -Hadith Qudsi

BishaFaizal said...

Terkenal juga ustaz samali ni. Dia skrg seorang cikgu kan?

BishaFaizal said...

Terkenal juga ustaz samali ni. Dia skrg seorang cikgu kan?