Sunday, 14 November 2010

Update: BSU Coming events!

Salam and Hello Manchers!

below are the updates for Coming events!!

The much anticipated event of the year is here. After a successful first, Lost in London is back for a second year! We’ve heard your voices so this year it is open to all UCL and Bruneian students. So gather your friends in teams of three and come and join for a bit of fun and competition! Make your way through the streets of London and win amazing prizes!

The trail will involve solving cryptic puzzles, finding photo clues, completing checkpoint challenges and many more. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams. The details of prizes will be revealed closer to the date.

It is designed to allow walking to be the most efficient way of getting around. Hence, the usage of buses and tubes are highly not recommended.

Event will start at UCL main quad (closest tube station is Euston Square).

20th of November 2010

Registration will open on the 1st to 10th November.
Registration fee is £5 for UCL students and £6 for non-UCL Bruneians.
There will be a maximum of 20 teams. Priority will be given to Freshers 2010/2011 and registration is on a first come first serve basis.

Registration form is available at the following link:

For more information check out the event on facebook:

We hope to see all of you soon!

BrUCL 2010/2011

2. [BSU] Kem Motivational Hijrah 2010.

Insya Allah, Bruneian Student Union in collaboration with Unit Penuntut-Penuntut will be holding a KEM MOTIVASI IJRAH 2010. This year Kem Motivasi does not only focus on gaining more knowledge of Islam & history but also to strengthen the relationship between Bruneian students and develop useful leadership skills. Make sure to sign up as soon as possible so that you won't lose this great opportunity! Places are limited and it will be first come first serve basis.

Date: 10th December till 12th December
Venue: Brunei Hall
Total participants: 100 (50 boys & 50 girls cap)
Fee: 5 Pounds per person

What to bring?
-Essential stuff (toothbrush, clothing, etc)
-Sleeping bag
-Tafsir Al-Quran

-Hijrah Debate Competition
-Kuliah, Ceramah & Bengkel for Hijrah
-Learning Tausyeh or Nasyid
-Lots more fun!

Please don't hesitate to sign up by emailing us:

Deadline:21st November 2010

brumanch society

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