Sunday, 18 October 2009

BruManch Eid/IceBreaker/Election

As you all know, BruManch had its 1st event of the 2009/2010 year. First of all, I would like to congratulate the new elected committee members!

So, here are the new 2009/2010 BruManch Committee!

President : Adeline Ng
Vice President : Aiman Bostaman
Secretary : Leong Yee May
Financier : Lim Chea Xin
Asst. Financier : Elmi Ali Rahman
Events Co. : Louise Kendrew & Ezah
Sports Secretaries : Azim & Enoy
Asst. Sports Secretary : Masrur
Media Offficers : Alif H Basir & Atiqah Adnan
Religious Officer : Ahmad Hafiz Nordin

Once again, CONGRATULATIONS new committee members! And, thank you to everyone else who made our 1st BruManch event a success.

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to email us. Those who missed out on the event and are interested to join the society, please email us your name and student ID number to and join our mailing list for upcoming events! Memberships are £4 per person.

Finally, on behalf of the co
mmittee, I wish everyone a great 2009/2010 year in Manchester!

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